Sunday, October 30, 2011

A new leaf

Sooo funy today. have been ignoring jewel and today she came over grazing of course tho, not actually coming to see me! Then I caught Jazzy and headed to the gate and Jewel started following, then all of a sudden she was at my shoulder. I watched her for a bit trying to establish what she was thinking... so I tested her, I stopped and 2 steps ahead she stopped, looked back like come on lets go have some fun. I gave her lots of pats and rubbed on her, but left her in the paddock and went and played with Jazzy, she neighed to us from in the distance quite a few times, weird.....

Played with a tarpaulin this morning and for the first time the saying "Cause your idea to be the horses ideas, but understand his ideas first" really hit me with the truth :) Previously I would have pushed Jazzy until she went on the tarp. Today however I understood she was scared of the noise, the look and the unpredictability of the tarp. I recognized she was inquisitive but not confident so we worked on developing curiosity by yo-yoing, in the end she was like LET me look AT IT!! Lol then without we asking or even expecting it she just walked over it. She pawed it and picked it up in her teeth, didn't even really stress about it. I had picked her as a RBE- but looking at how I have been approaching her I think I with my RBE personality and thinking I caused her to be that horsenality..... hmm food for thought :) Then this afternnoon we did some touch it games and I rode her properly for the first time. I have sat on her heaps, but every time I had asked her to move she had locked up and felt humpy. But today we walked loosely, quietly, did one-rein stops and turns- just bareback in the halter.